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Customized trackless transfer cart

Customized trackless transfer cart does not rely on rails and has high maneuverability and flexibility, so it is more suitable for material handling across multiple workshops. It is widely used for the transport of molds, coils, billets, and other large heavy loads. This type of carts is well received by users and has been exported to many countriesthe such as the United States, Italy, Singapore, Poland, the Netherlands, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, the Czech Republic, Sri Lanka, Mongolia.
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Customized trackless transfer cart

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4P = Prediction + Pretreatment + Process + Performance
  • The FirstP


    At the very beginning of formulating a solution, our engineers will predict the faults that might occur during the equipment utilization relying on their rich experience, and avoid quality risks in advance.

  • The SecondP

    Pretreatment of Material

    Before getting inside the warehouse, all steel plates must be pretreated and testified to be qualified.

  • The ThirdP

    Process Inspection

    There is quality inspection in every process. The previous process can be allowed to enter the next one only if it is qualified. The whole process inspection records must be well preserved.

  • The FourthP

    Performance Test

    Before delivery, all the transfer carts/trolleys must undergo performance test, including load forward and backward, obstacle avoidance, omnidirectional mobile, slope climbing, lifting, wireless remote control, etc.

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Be a customer of Remarkable

1. You will get transfer carts/trolleys that fully meet your needs as well as sincere friendly lifelong service.

2. Remarkable shares experience without reservation, so that you can avoid detours in industrial material handling.

3. Remarkable makes every effort to be helpful and create value for you. You can stand on Remarkable's shoulders and go higher and farther.